Our Husky PTO Board Members

Our Husky PTO is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below have volunteered to provide their leadership this school year.


Feel free to ask them any questions you may have. 



President - Erin Bodner        Email Contact: huskieshomesteadpto@gmail.com 

The president shall preside over meetings of the organization and executive board, serve as the primary contact for the principal, represent the organization at meetings outside the organization, serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee, and coordinate the work of all the officers and committees so that the purpose of the organization is served.


Vice President  - Branda Kostka    Email Contact:huskieshomesteadpto@gmail.com

The vice president shall assist the president and carry out the president’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve. The vice president shall also oversee the committees of this organization.


SecretaryKasey Callison            Email Contacthuskieshomesteadpto@gmail.com

The secretary shall keep all records of the organization, take and record minutes, prepare the agenda, handle correspondence, and send notices of meetings to the membership. The secretary also keeps a copy of the minutes book, bylaws, rules, membership list, and any other necessary supplies, and brings them to meetings. 


TreasurerAnita Mack         Email Contact: HHuskiesptotreasurer@gmail.com

The treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board. He or she will present a financial statement at every meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the executive board, and make a full report at the end of the year.


Teacher Liaison -                               Email Contact: 


Webmaster - Victoria Souchik             Email Contact: huskyptowebmaster@gmail.com